Saturday, September 19, 2009

this swipe book should be viewed from the bottom of the page up 

I have always fekt like I should try to make a difference in the world around me. My mother used to tell me to always make sure where ever I went I should always leave the place I was nicer than how I found it. Now as I as I look at the world around me I realizes many peoples mothers did not tell them this. I would like to do my project on enviormental issuses by doing guerilla advertising posters that will tell people how they can change their habbits to make the world a cleaner more beautiful place. I plan to use ordanairy objects such as ciggerett butts, empty water bottles, old electornics, light bulbs and other types of trash to make letter forms. I ve decide I would like to base my letter forms on two fonts and their faimileis. Gill Sans and Didot. I feel like both of these fonts can be used in intresting ways and will work well with the objects. I also would like to print these posters and hang them up around the city and document it and then create a book.